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Come Play
An installation on Comfort Station's Scaffold taking note of the loss of color and play in American society as we age. It is the addition of what's deemed child-like colors and an invitation to pause, to rest even, during your day. It says "be free. be soft and silly and those walls built to protect you, aren't necessary right now. it feels like be vulnerable- i dare you too."
Eseosa Ekiawowo Edebiri is a Nigerian American crafter making what feels right. Thanks Katie for the install help, Sarah for the re-install* help, and Aurofa’i for the words <3
What goes up must come down, but not in a way that I could have foreseen. Less than 12 hours after installing I found the structure partially destroyed. PVC pipes and a lamp post knocked out! While I can't say what happened for certain, I did feel fortunate to take it all in in the company of a friend. We dilly dallied then ended our day by sorting it out as best we could and I think we did just fine with what was before us.
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